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19 April 2024

What is the fulfilment of Nature's plan?


Angel friends meet and greet loved ones when they cross the great divide. 

Death is the fulfilment of Nature’s plan and obedience to the laws of Nature that the spirit-life should pass on into other conditions.

When the astral cord is severed and the spirit-life takes its leave of its own visible flesh, it awakens to know spiritual conditions. 

Heaven’s doors are open and heaven’s joys are before it.

Wake Vortex Study at Wallops Island – NASA Langley Research Center (NASA-LaRC)

Nature does not hurry.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.

―Lao Tzu

What is the truest representation of Heaven?


It is the stars collective that make the wonder of the heavens. 

Nature is communal.  

Be like Nature. 

The community is the truest representation of Heaven―each working for the good of the whole.

―Spirit Richard Wagner

Martagon or Turk's cap lily – Friedrich Böhringer CC-by-SA-2.5)

What goes on mounting continually?

Each soul is capable of the highest degree of development as an advanced spirit―or angel. 

Angels are souls who have passed from the lowest degree of human planetary life through all the planetary spheres until they have attained to the celestial spheres of the solar system―the Heaven of Heavens. 

The soul goes on mounting continually and journeying through that vast and limitless creation, which has no end and has had no beginning. 

How can we hope to form any clear idea of the nature and attributes of that Supreme Beingthe Omnipotent Ruler of the Universeseeing we cannot even fully and clearly grasp the magnitude of his creation? 

Star-forming pillars in the Eagle Nebula, as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope's WFPC2. The picture is composed of 32 different images from four separate cameras in this instrument. The photograph was made with light emitted by different elements in the cloud and appears as a different colour in the composite image – green for hydrogen, red for singly-ionised sulphur and blue for double-ionised oxygen atoms – NASA, Jeff Hester and Paul Scowen (Arizona State University)

How do spirit-lives materialize?

If the spheres exist around the earth, why it is that all men cannot see them, and why cannot they even see those spirits who are said to be actually in the room with them?

If you see photographs of unmaterialised spirits you will notice that to your material sight they present a semi-transparent appearance. 

The material doors and windows, furniture, and so on, show through the figures of the spirits.

The material particles of an astral body―or first degree of spiritualised matter are spread so thinly that they are like a fine network united by invisible atoms of a more etherealised nature―so sublimated that spirit-lives must either materialise an earthly body
or make use of astral envelopes―or bodies from clouds of semi-material human atoms. 

Spirit-lives can mould the astral shells into their own likeness, as a sculptor moulds clay. 


Spirit-lives make a body from the more material atoms and clothe themselves in it. 

These replicas can be photographed, and bear a resemblance to the spirit―each spirit stamps his own identity on the plastic astral form―or prepares that form to receive his impression.

The spiritual spheres and their inhabitants are more transparent and intangible to material sight, yet they exist and are solid. 

They are only invisible to your imperfect sight, which is limited to material things of comparatively great density.  

Your spiritual sight is closed and you can only see what is material.

Anthurium – J. J. Harrison (jjharrison89@facebook.com) (CC-by-SA-3.0)

What is the second stage of existence?

I find that this world is the old world duplicated and enlarged, though composed of rather better material, like a new and improved edition of an old book.

An overland journey is impossible on your earth, as the connecting land-links are gone. 

The convulsions of Nature that have broken up your land into islands and separated the great continents have not apparently taken effect in this sphere. 

The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans have dwindled into comparatively small lakes, and the extent of territory is much greater on our side than on yours.

The long stretch of land from the Eastern States to California is much more thickly settled in the spirit-world than on earth. 

Passing through California, and journeying to China and Japan, I found those countries in a high state of civilisation, holding very friendly relations with our own country, anxious to disseminate knowledge and grant equal rights and advantages to all. 

Civilisation proceeds in the spirit-world much as it does on earth.

I forgot to state that the city of Jerusalem, which I visited is almost a facsimile of the Jerusalem described in the New Testament. 

It is a very ancient city, and is built with all the luxuriousness of Oriental design, rather like the ancient Nineveh―some of the streets being literally paved with gold (gold being very abundant in the spirit-world, yet even there it is considered a precious metal).

It is especially noticeable that this world in its general aspects resembles the natural world, but in its minutiae, it differs widely. 

Countless industries are carried on here, and there seems no end to the multiplicity of inventions peculiar to spirit-lives, yet unknown to the inhabitants of earth.

My experience here has been very gratifying and the second stage of existence is perfectly in consonance with one's spiritual aspirations.

One peculiarity of this state is its juxtaposition to earth, and the constant intercourse, which is kept up between the two worlds induces a ceaseless travelling back and forth.

I have been greatly astonished to see the vast floating population that hang around the earth like parasites who live unseen in and among certain classes of mankind. 

Advanced spirits are continually developing new plans for the improvement and guardianship of this class, yet many elude our supervision and cause great disturbances on earth. 

From my remarks, you will perceive that spirit-lives do not live in a state of perfection, but benevolent schemes for the improvement and benefit of such uneducated spirits are constantly being planned, and statesmen devise methods to adjust differences that arise between the educated and uneducated.

The ignorant portion of the community is almost as numerous in this world as on earth.

Jerusalem, Via Dolorosa, Station IX – Crosses left after walking the Stations of the Cross – Berthold Werner (CC-by-SA-3.0)

I would have you listen to my words.

How can you harmonise the dissimilar descriptions of the next world through different mediums? 

Through one, you depict it as an objective condition
through another, as subjective―the one describes it as possessing trees and flowers, hills and dales, rivulets and atmosphere, palaces and cottages, and many of the scientific and art appurtenances of earth-life―while through another medium, spirit-lives are described as living in states, which their own minds create. 

Spirit-lives, possessed of undue pride, are depicted as building walls of ice, and these states―or conditions are said to vanish
or grow according to the advancedor retarded state of the patient!

My friends and readers

These descriptions are both correct
one being the literal, and the other, the idealor soul condition of the spirit.

Even in your external world similar discrepancies in the portrayal of character, places, and things exist.

I endeavour to give a correct account of spirit-life through the mediums I control, yet my observations are coloured by their mental states, and also by my own mental condition at the time of control.

If I visit the polar regions, and converse with the Esquimaux, I use comparisons adapted to the climate to which these persons are accustomed, and which they are capable of understanding. 

They will be very different from the comparisons I use to an inhabitant of the tropics.

I have had the happiness of seeing and conversing with Socrates and Plato, Aristotle and Pythagoras, Buddha and Mahomet, Bacon, and Voltaire―but how shall I describe these interviews to you? 

Shall I tell you of the place and moment of occurrence? 

Shall I tell you how these renowned men were clothed, and how they looked to my eyes?

If I do so, you will reply that my description is too material. 

If I adopt the Oriental typical language, and say, as in the Apocalypse, that they were clothed with the sun, and that there was a sound as of a rushing mighty wind when they spoke―will either mode of speech convey a perfect idea of the fact to your mind?

It is difficult for most mediums to convey a natural impression of the spirit-world, for they are trammelled by their religious education. 

Take an Indian―or Chinese, and he will describe the spirit-world as a world of realities. 

But the inhabitants of Christendom have been taught to look on the soul as an impalpable nothing―a myth―a flame―something without shape―or consistency―an identity capable of feeling the burning of a material hell-fire without being consumed! 

They fail to comprehend spirit in its natural condition.

People do not recall the fact that all the wonderful machinery of man's design―the appliances of Nature's forces to the production of new results―the fabric of silks, laces and beautiful objects are the outcome of man's God-like powers, and that the higher he progresses in development, the more capable he becomes of designing and creating like a very God!

In the spirit-world, your capabilities increase ten-fold, and the objects you design increase in proportionate ratio. 

I would have you listen to my words―

Remember that in the spirit-world, as on the material earth, there are two states―the ideal, visionary one, and the real, materialistic condition. 

These states interlink one with the other, and mind always seeks for an expression of its idea in visible form. 

As the Creator has formed the millions of objective worlds in the sidereal heavens, and all the natural objects you view on the earth, so you will continue―like Him―to form in spirit-life objective articles as the result of your creative thought and live a life as real and objective as the one you now live on earth.

―The Judge

Dune of Erg Chebbi, Morocco – Rosa Cabecinhas and Alcino Cunha (CC-by-SA-2.0)